10 Benefits Of Journaling For Your Mental Health

Peace Over Panic Blog
6 min readApr 23, 2021
Photo Source: Canva

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Journaling is definitely a concept that has gained more traction and popularity in the space of self-care and wellbeing. Although a relatively simple tool, it has some amazing benefits for our mental health and some may even come as a surprise.

Here are 10 benefits of journaling that may help to reduce your stress and anxiety.


We tend to focus and ruminate over the negatives a lot more than the positives.

Although it’s a relatively simple exercise, writing out a few things that you are grateful for in your life can help you to have a greater appreciation for even the smallest of things. The more you do this, the more fulfilled and proud you may begin to feel.

When you make a habit of proactively looking at the positives and learning lessons in situations, it can shift the way you approach your life and positively shape future experiences.


It has been suggested that the average adult has over 6,000 thoughts a day. When you are stressed out and anxious, it’s likely to feel like a lot more.

It’s incredibly important that we pay attention to our thoughts and create space to gain greater clarity on the things our mind focuses on because these thoughts go on to shape our beliefs, our actions and the way we live our life.

Another benefit of journaling is that it’s a great tool to help put these ruminating and spiralling thoughts onto a piece of paper where you can better process and understand how rational, important and positive the frequent thoughts you are having are.

It’s also a great way to work through any issues you are facing where you can put things into perspective and take a more mindful approach to resolving difficulties.


Photo Source: Canva

Journaling provides a platform to release any tension, worries and feelings that you may have been holding in for far too long.

It allows you to vent out all these emotions and thoughts without having to be conscious of or explaining yourself to anyone else.

The end result? Not only will you feel lighter within yourself, but you will also be able to go about your day in a more positive and aware state of mind.


Journaling thoughts and opening up about your emotions will allow you to better understand the things or people around you that bring about both positive and negative emotional responses.

This awareness will then help you to better deal with challenges, where you will be able to control your emotions and not let certain things escalate your stress and anxiety.

You will also learn how to counteract these negative experiences by then implementing or turning to a positive ritual that will help to transition your mind to a more calm place and not taking over the rest of your day.


This may come as a surprise but journaling has been linked to enhanced immunity.

Mental health stressors can significantly suppress the functioning of our immune system. I’m sure we can all recall times where looming deadlines and stressful weeks have caused us to feel run down and burned out.

Reports have shown that writing and recording our emotions boosts our immune functioning, fights off diseases and aids recovery from physical injuries more effectively.


Photo Source: Canva

Journaling thoughts is not one-dimensional — it could be writing poetry, drawing out sketches or even creating affirmations.

Research has shown that having a creative outlet increase happiness, has a positive impact on our mental health (by expressing ourselves in a more productive way) and can also boost our cognitive function.

A personal benefit I gained from journaling creatively was that I was better able to ‘think outside the box’ when facing any challenges. I learned how to see things from a different perspective and understood the multiple ways one particular goal could be achieved.


When it comes to mental health, you are bound to have your good days and your bad days.

For me personally, my journal was a great motivating factor for my bad days. I would take a look back at what I had written in my journal at times where I had felt proud of myself and achieved a milestone in my healing process.

No matter how small the accomplishment, I would pay attention to the way I described my excitement and this positive energy reminded me not only of how far I had come but that I had it in me to keep going.


If you consistently journal your thoughts about the following 5 elements of your life, it will allow you to detect patterns and possible triggers in respect of your mental health:

  • work
  • family life
  • relationship
  • friends
  • health

When writing about these topics, be honest about the feelings and challenges they evoke.

You may begin to notice that you aren’t feeling incredibly fulfilled in your job role, that you need more support from your partner and to take a closer look at the people you surround yourself with.

This will allow you to understand the different trigger points for your mental health and what areas you need to work on to feel better.


Sometimes there are things that we just want to keep to ourselves and journaling provides the privacy to do that.

It may be certain feelings you have about another person, taking the first step in being honest about what you are experiencing or even just personal goals that you want to achieve.

If there are aspects of your life where you first want to explore your thoughts and feelings by yourself or even if you don’t feel comfortable sharing this information with anyone else, journaling provides a great safe space to express yourself.


Photo Source: Canva

If there are some big shifts you are looking to make in your life, journaling can help you to iron out any apprehensions and motivate you to take the first initial step.

It can be really overwhelming to express your goals with others and sometimes you may just want to protect this part of your life until things come to fruition.

Journaling allows you to connect with your goals — you could come up with a step-by-step plan where your journal holds you accountable for taking the necessary actions in order to make progress.

It can also be really great to think about the motivating force behind your goals and how achieving them would make you feel.


Journaling your thoughts and feelings can have a positive impact on your mental health in various ways. Try to dedicate 10 minutes a day — even if it’s just before you go to sleep and see what changes journaling can bring about for you.

Don’t also forget to explore POP’s mental health printable programme which helps you take back control over your thoughts, emotions and goals. The worksheets are simple to follow and work through and you can take it completely at your own pace.

Photo Source: Peace Over Panic Blog



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