5 Ways Processed Sugar Worsens Anxiety

Peace Over Panic Blog
5 min readApr 6, 2021
Photo Source: Canva

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During periods of high stress and anxiety, it can be so tempting to find comfort in sugary treats. Whilst everything in moderation is the aim and a little indulgent snack here and there is completely fine, it is important to understand the impact added sugar can have on anxiety.

When I was having panic attacks, I often used to feel so drained that I would rely on sugary drinks and foods to fuel my day. However, I soon began to notice that my anxiety would flare back up shortly after — I would often feel more tired than I did before and a lot of the times my anxiety was triggered so badly that it evolved into an aggressive panic attack.

If you are experiencing anxiety, it’s important to acknowledge the ways in which processed sugars could be making things worse and I want to share 5 examples with you below and what you can do to help yourself.


Processed sugar directly impacts our blood glucose levels which can then influence our energy and mood.

When we eat or drink processed sugar, our blood glucose levels increase sharply in a short amount of time — this is also known as a sugar high.

To manage this sugar high, the pancreas releases a surge of insulin to bring our sugar levels back down, however, as so much insulin is released, it remains in our bloodstream for a longer period of time than required and continues to deplete the sugar in our body which can then cause a crash in our energy and leaves us feeling lethargic and groggy. This is known as a sugar crash.

This pattern goes on to create a vicious cycle, where we may keep consuming processed sugars in order to combat the tiredness but the constant peaks and drops in our blood sugar levels can trigger feelings of brain fog, mood swings and irritability, leaving ourselves prone to anxiety and stress.


Photo Source: Canva

Studies have confirmed that added sugar (especially found in sugary drinks) increases inflammation in our bodies.

Inflammation has also been noted as a common accompaniment of stress, anxiety and depression and can go on to cause:

It is understood that sugar activates the production of free fatty acids in the liver and once these acids are digested, the resulting compounds can trigger inflammatory processes.


Processed foods with added sugars offer little to no nutrition which can cause your body to not get enough nutrients.

It has been suggested that a diet high in processed sugars can result in us having the following 5 nutrient deficiencies:

  • Vitamin D
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Chromium
  • Vitamin C

Often referred to as the ‘second brain’, the gut houses our immune system and also is the primary source of serotonin production. It’s vital for our mental health that we maintain a nourishing diet that helps both our brain and body to stay healthy and perform at their optimum.

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Photo Source: Canva

Research has proven that a high intake of processed sugars can severely impact our cognitive functioning, such as memory and decision making.

A study carried out at UCLA determined that after 6 weeks of consuming a diet high in added sugars, rats forgot their way out of a maze, compared to a group who were given a more balanced diet that were able to find their way out faster.

It emerged that high glucose levels can cause insulin resistance which results in blocked communication between the brain cells.


High blood sugar levels raise our blood pressure and heart rate.

People with anxiety tend to be hyper-aware of any changes within their body and are always on the lookout for any warning signs that their anxiety might be on the rise.

This heightened awareness paired with an increased heart rate can lead the mind to go into flight-fight mode and stimulate a panic attack.

This was a big one for me — anytime I noticed my heart was beating a little faster, I always feared a panic attack was on the horizon and used to find myself becoming flustered. This happened almost every time I had sugary snacks and instead found that foods with natural sugar helped to pacify my anxiety.


If you do notice that sugar is having a negative impact on your anxiety, try implementing the following 4 tips:

  1. Eat a more balanced diet that is high in vitamins and minerals: Consider incorporating foods that have the following:
  • Leafy greens
  • Fish
  • Nuts and whole grains
  • Turmeric
  • Yoghurt

Read more about the best and worst foods for anxiety here.

Photo Source: Canva

2. Eat fewer refined carbohydrates: refined carbohydrates tend to be more easily and readily digested by the body and can therefore cause sharp blood sugar spikes. This includes foods such as breakfast cereals, table sugar and white bread.

3. Get some fresh air and exercise: exercise causes our muscle cells to absorb sugar from the blood thereby, reducing blood sugar levels.

Click here to get a free yoga practice designed to reduce stress and anxiety.

4. Drink more water: not drinking enough water can cause your blood sugar to rise as your kidneys tend to retain fluid and stop your body from flushing out excess sugar when dehydrated.


Although it can be tempting to indulge in sugary treats, especially in times of anxiety and stress, it is important to be aware of the impact they could be having on your mental health. Keep an eye on the nutritional information provided with foods and drinks, limit your intake of processed sugars and try to maintain a healthy balance.

Don’t also forget to explore POP’s mental health printable programme which helps you take back control over your thoughts, emotions and goals. The worksheets are simple to follow and work through and you can take it completely at your own pace.



Peace Over Panic Blog

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